Kanban 2.0
– the bigger picture

After 80 years of optimizing the world, its time for an update.

✓ Free 14-day trial ✓ Easy setup ✓ Cancel anytime

Traditional Kanban Board


Canvas Planner

Project in Canvas Planner
Team work in Canvas Planner
Annual cycle Canvas Planner
Personal canvas

The Canvas Planner Method in 30 seconds

The Canvas Planner Method is a revolutionary method to organize and visualize work via private and shared canvas boards. A picture says more than 60.000 words

Guaranteed instant overview of work progress for visibility, collaboration, alignment, productivity, process control – in 3 simple steps! The outcome is equal to your goal and the options are limitless!

Open source method – get it for free

Anyone can use The Canvas Planner Method (TCPM). It is easy, effective …and free! 

Stop bending yourself out of shape trying to find ways to be more efficient. Grab a sheet of paper, or use our software to design canvasses that fit you perfectly! 

Click here to visit our youtube channel, where we explain the basics of designing your own canvas and show you canvases that others have built.


The basics

The Method

Become a master

The online platform

Use the software

100% alignment with shared digital whiteboards to track Kanban tasks 


If you use the online platform, cloned tasks are automatically synchronized across canvasses in real-time.

Learn only to focus on what is important right now.

The post-its are tasks with built-in kanban.

The Canvas Planner Method in 30 seconds…


Our customers get instant overview and alignment to improve collaboratively. See more cases here.

Astrid Haug Canvas Planner

Astrid Haug

Digital Adviser

“Our company has saved a lot of time by drastically reducing internal e-mail communication.”

Martin Vive Ivø

Campus Director at Aalborg Universitet, København

“I estimate that our meetings have become 20-25% more effective with Canvas Planner.
In addition, there is also increased commitment and positive attitude among the participants.“

canvas planner karna reese

Karna Reese

HR Director, CGI

“Time is important for us, and Canvas Planner has helped us save time by enabling us to work efficiently across multiple locations.”

Mette Lysdal Stoltenborg

Mette Lysdal Stoltenborg

CEO at LeeSign Creative Partner

“Canvas Planner has made us ready to scale our business so that we can meet the demand for our products. We have put our internal processes in a structured system, which means we have become much more efficient and have had a super visual overview across our projects. Canvas Planner is a great and user-friendly tool.”

Instant view of the entire company
For the last 80 years, Kanban has been the leading method to visualize work in a way that creates efficiency, control, and alignment by design. It is embraced by management and professionals alike because it is very easy to understand and its benefits are felt immediately.

Join the revolution
The world is very different from 80 years ago and productivity is more important than ever. You need to get ahead of the pace and not try to catch up as most do. 

The Canvas Planner Method is Kanban 2.0 – an upgrade that is infinitely more powerful and brings the same competitive advantage that Kanban offered 80 years ago. Integrating the traditional kanban structure into post-its gives you unlimited freedom and space. We use that freedom and space to give you canvases that match your business logic and the individual needs of a diverse workforce.  

Founder and CEO,

Click here for our story

‘‘Managing is easier when everyone is looking at the same picture’’

Our online platform is perfect for remote work!

Clean & Attractive User-Interface / Easy to learn and master / Priority Support


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